Saturday, February 8, 2020

Liver Transplant Surgery In India By Dr. Vivek Vij Can Change Your Life


Liver Transplant Surgery is the substitution of a harmful liver with a healthy liver. A liver transplant surgery can be a treatment for a last-degree disease and severe liver failure. The transplant procedure is a surgical treatment that detaches a liver that no longer works as it should be and restores it with a healthy liver. The procedure will be easier if the donor is ready to donate their part of the liver.


Liver failure means the liver not acting its normal metabolic functions.
  • Jaundice
  • Yellow skin
  • Stomach pain
  • Swelling

What are the Types of Liver Transplants?

Liver Transplantation is of 3 Types
  • Orthotopic or Cadaveric Liver Transplant Surgery
  • Living Donor Liver Transplant Surgery
  • Split Type of Liver Transplant Surgery
  • Cardiac Dead Liver Transplant Surgery

What’s the procedure for Liver Transplantation?

A liver transplant surgery entails the removal of the old diseased liver that is replaced with a new one. This entails the need for a donor. This procedure comes under the purview of the law ruled by the transplant of human organ act, 1994. This is a regulation especially for the protection of Organ donors in order that they're no longer made victims of coercion in diverse social circumstances.

Why India is considered the most favorable destination for Liver Transplant Surgery

A liver transplant is one of the most complicated procedures in the medical world. Liver Transplant cost can range from as little as the US $739,000 – $740,000 in the U.S as well as the UK, but the same in India is a much economic option for patients who are unable to afford one at home country, and a relief to people who have no desire to be added to long waiting lists or perhaps individuals who cannot find excellent treatment amenities in their home countries. India has lately еmеrgеd аѕ оnе of the mоѕt аdvаnсеd сеntеrѕ fоr liver trаnѕрlаnt surgeries. The medical fасіlіtіеѕ are much аdvаnсеd and the surgeons аrе wеll quаlіfіеd and еxреrіеnсеd, When орtіng fоr a lіvеr trаnѕрlаnt ѕurgеrу аbrоаd, раtіеntѕ аrе аdvіѕеd a living dоnоr trаnѕрlаnt instead of a саdаvеrіс liver trаnѕрlаnt, аѕ the former аѕ more practical for foreign trаvеlіng overseas.

Thousands are traveling to India for Transplant with Dr. Vivek Vij

A liver transplant can be in your near future when you have liver failure due to chronic liver disorder. Dr. Vivek Vij best liver transplant surgeon in India can ensure you live a long, productive life after your liver transplant. He is considered as one of the most respected liver transplant surgeons in India, as he possesses 17+ years of outstanding knowledge in performing out successful liver transplantation through India. Dr. Vivek Vij is known as the youngest liver transplant health care provider who has completed 500 independent liver transplants with Lowest Biliary Complication Rate (less than 4%). The majority of his patients visit him for the most cost-effective post-operative care for biliary problems. Dr. Vivek Vij's best liver transplant surgeon in India believes a liver transplant is a lifelong commitment for you and for us. He will stay involved with you and your family through the entire transplant process. He gets to understand you very well and understand that getting ready for and living with a transplant will have an effect on your lifestyle in many ways. He will help you maintain and resume many of your activities and even become involved in new ones.

How to get in touch with Dr. Vivek Vij Best Liver Transplant Surgeon in India

Forerunners healthcare consultant is dedicated to being an unwavering facilitator of this high-quality idea. It just helps patients who are inclined to go beyond borders and a wide range of centers that offer high-quality medical offerings in India. Besides offering an immediate appointment with Dr. Vivek Vij they offer affordable and easy travel, along with quite simply available information to all its patients, they also aim at offering them a complete peace of mind, by making the complete procedure smooth. 

To Get Consultation with Dr. Vivek Vij send your query to
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For Immediate Consultation, You can Call or Whats-app on +91-9371136499



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