Friday, September 27, 2019

An Interesting Interview With Dr. Sabhyata Gupta On Women Gynacological Issues

India Laparoscopy Surgery Site Group held conference to bring out the beautiful ideas where it takes up a Gynecology to the next set of standards. Where Dr. Sabhyata Gupta Director, Gynaecology and Gynaec Oncology at Medanta The Medicity, Gurgaon, India interacted with woman and students and shared knowledge, choices, and recommendations that will support them make them more informed about healthcare and make better decisions in managing reproductive health of women. Dr. Sabhyata also highlighted women's lack of attention to and awareness around women's health issues.

The interesting questions answered by Dr. Sabhyata Gupta are as follows :

Why Women Need Annual Gynacologic Exams ?

As cervical cancer screening suggestions have modified within the previous few years, women had been thrilled to examine they no longer needed a pap smear every year. Even if you only need test once each 3 to 5 years, you should nevertheless go to your gynecology provider annually!

What Is The Latest Treatment For Fibroids In India ?

Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) effectively treats uterine fibroid with fewer complications compared to myomectomy, UFE is a minimally-invasive procedure for uterine fibroid that is less painful, preserves the uterus and allows women to get back to their routine soon.

What Advice You Want To Give For Pregnant Women?

The best advice I can give anyone expecting is to NEVER listen to anyone else’s opinion!  Your doctor is your guide, your professional, and your counselor for whatever being pregnancy-associated questions you have not your mother, not your best friend who just had a baby. ONLY your doctor’s advice matters.

Click Here Get Free Consultation With Dr. Sabhyata Gupta 

How Do You Treat Hysterectomy With Latest Advancements?

This procedure has improved in recent years. We use a combination of high-definition 3D magnification, robotic technology, and miniature instruments to view, manipulate, and remove your uterus. Typically by making 4 or 5 small incisions to your abdomen to allow small robotic and surgical tools to reach your womb, in some instances, we can access the uterus with one incision through the belly button.

What Are Advances In Hysterectomy Procedures Deliver Benefits ?

We connect with the latest technology and medical improvements to provide medical and surgical treatments for the whole gamut of medical offerings to maintain optimal gynaecologic well-being throughout the different phases of a woman’s life and especially during pregnancy, childbirth and in case of any disorders with the reproductive system.

How Has Your Profession Evolved Developed The Last 23+ Years?

If we talk regarding changes in our profession due to the latest development in India, we can move back to the early days while we still advanced film in a dark room!  I have seen the inception of 3D and then 4D imaging and how that has advanced over the last 15 years. Power Doppler, Cineloop, enforcing an archive system, and post-processing enhancing competencies are incredible perks that did now not always exist. Now I could never work without them!  Resolution on current equipment has become phenomenal and so essential within the characterization of pathology.

India Laparoscopy Surgery Site

Whether you are a international or domestic patient and wish to get treated by the Dr . Sabhyata Gupta best gynecologic robotic surgeon at Medanta Hospital Delhi, India laparoscopy surgery service facilitate patients at each step of their clinical journey to ensure a problem-free visit. A dedicated team will be appointed to guide patients for arranging vital documents and requisites through an extensive checklist to avoid anxiety at the last moment before they depart from their home country. India laparoscopy surgery site group makes each effort not only provide you with world-class medical treatments but also ensure that you feel comfortable with them throughout your care.


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