Monday, August 6, 2018

Vertebral Body Tethering Surgery, Cost And Top Orthopedic Spine Surgeons In India


It is a growth modulation technique which is minimally invasive that works in a manner to restrain the spinal curvature growth to one side of the spine to allow the growth on other side this guided growth can correct scoliosis curvature. This seems to be a very good alternative to bracing and spine fusion for some patients who are at risk for steady progression of the curve. This surgery should allow more spine motion and less chance of back pain in adulthood.

The ideal candidate for vertebral body tethering surgery are as follows:

Idiopathic scoliosis (Adolescent or juvenile)
The curve should be less than 65 degrees.
Both thoracic and lumbar curves can be operated.

What Causes The Tethered Spinal Cord?

Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a neurological disorder caused by the tissue attachments that limits the movements of spinal cord within the spinal cord which leads to the abnormal stretching of the spinal cord. The causes of tethered cord that vary in severity of symptoms are as follows:

Dermal sinus tract (congenital deformity)
Diastematomyelia(split spinal cord)
Lipoma (a benign, fatty growth)
Thickened/tight filum terminale(a delicate filament near the tailbone)
History of spine trauma and spine injury.

Some symptoms in include: If a tethered cord is suspected, one or more tests may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis so number of symptoms are taken into consideration by VBT surgeons in India.

Lesion on the lower back
Skin discoloration , fatty tumor or deep tumor 
Hairy patch on the lower back
Back pain, worsened by activity. 
Leg pain, especially in the back of legs.
Leg numbness or tingling
Changes in leg strength 
Deterioration in gait
Leg deformities 
Spine tenderness
Bowl and bladder problem

Can Tethered Cord Cause Chiari?

It is noticed by the doctors that those who are affected by tethered cord syndrome often complain headache, nausea and even arm pain. It is mostly diagnosed in children usually in conjunction with spina bifida hence it is believed that causes of Chiari 1malformation. The tethering may affect the function of the entire spinal cord even if the deformity lies in the its lowest structural point.  

Available Vertebral Body Tethering (Vbt) Surgery In India: 
Surgery is the only solution for the treatment of vertebral body tethering. 
The surgery may simply involve removing of small amount of bone at the bottom of the spine – S1 laminectomy and filum terminal sectioning, In case of adult tethered cord which is not associated with spina bifida.
It served as an alternative to the traditional spinal fusion technique followed by a very hand full of surgeons across India.
Titanium bone screws are anchored to the front of each vertebral bone within the curve area and each screw is attached with flexible cord and hence any degree of spine straightening is attained.
Vertebral body tethering’s advantages are vast and well known however the risks are still largely unknown since it’s a relatively new approach and therefore Indian surgeons for vertebral body tethering (VBT) surgery in India are expanding their horizons for studying about more and more. 

What Will Happen If Scoliosis Is Not Treated?

·         If left untreated scoliosis curve may increase, hence surgeons may advice surgery as the best option in this condition.
·         As the child continue to grow the curve will increase in size.
·         Even if there is a delay in surgery the correction may not be very effective and also it may take a longer duration from recovery.

Contact Us For Quality Care:

Spine and neuro surgery hospital India, is known for its cost effective vertebral body tethering surgery in India which is typically a fraction cost for the same procedure in US. Though the cost of surgery may vary as per the diagnosis and condition of patient but as compared to the developed nations the treatment cost is still affordable and that too under the supervision top orthopaedic spine surgeon in India.

For further details visit us at

Or call - +91-9325887033


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